Report to:

People Scrutiny Committee


Date of meeting:


15 July 2024


Deputy Chief Executive



People Scrutiny Committee Work Programme



To review and discuss the People Scrutiny Committee’s future work programme

RECOMMENDATIONS: The Committee is recommended to:

1)    review and agree the latest work programme set out at Appendix 1;

2)    review upcoming items on East Sussex County Council’s Forward Plan as set out at Appendix 2 to identify any issues that may require more detailed scrutiny.


1          Background


1.1       The work programme is an important tool in ensuring the correct focus and best use of the Committee’s time in scrutinising topics that are of importance to the residents of East Sussex, and the efficient and effective working of the Council. It also provides clarity for those who may be requested to give evidence to the Committee on the issues under review, and the questions the Committee requires answers to.


1.2       Discussion of the work programme provides the Committee with the opportunity to consider topics that it may be of value to scrutinise, and to decide whether further scoping work is required. This provides a basis for deciding the best way of scrutinising a topic, the timescale, and who from the Committee will be involved in carrying out the review work. If there are a number of potential topics for review, Members can determine the priority of the work within the resources available to the Committee.

2          Supporting information


Work programme

2.1       The Committee’s latest work programme is attached at Appendix 1, incorporating a number of updates including those outlined below. The Committee is asked to consider, discuss and agree the work programme, subject to any further changes required.  


Scrutiny Reviews


School Attendance


2.2       The Committee heard in 2021 that overall school absence and persistent absence rates across East Sussex were high, when compared to national levels and statistical neighbours and agreed to conduct a scrutiny review. At the initial scoping board, it was agreed to postpone the review due to the ongoing impact of, and disruption from, the coronavirus pandemic.


2.3       A further scoping board meeting was held in December 2023 where the Board heard that several pieces of work to address attendance had launched in September 2023 and the impact of these was not yet clear. It was agreed that the Board would meet again in July 2024 to look at the latest data and establish what progress was being made, as well as any current areas of concern.


Healthy Ageing


2.4       The Committee heard at its March 2024 meeting that a key priority for ASCH was responding to the needs of an increasing older population in East Sussex, including those with complex needs, and that the Department would welcome scrutiny input into how preventative approaches could support people to age well in the county.


2.5       The Review into Healthy Ageing is underway. Review meetings are considering evidence around preventative initiatives to support people to age well, including through physical activity; changing attitudes to and reducing stigma around ageing; and exploring how the Department can celebrate the benefits, value and contributions of an ageing population.


2.6       The Board has agreed a planned timeline to report to the Committee in September 2024 which is reflected in the attached work programme.


Reference Groups


Prevention in Children’s Services


2.7       The Committee agreed to form a Reference Group to provide regular and timely input into key projects and programmes relating to prevention in Children’s Services. The Group commenced in June 2023 and has focussed on Family Safeguarding and Family Hubs.


2.8       The Group has now met on several occasions and has looked at various strands of the Department’s work focussing on prevention and at its last meeting on 17 June 2024, agreed that the Department had provided assurance that prevention remained a key focus. The Group agreed that the Department now needed time to progress this work and to pause the Reference Group. The Group requested an update to the Committee in 6 months time on this work.


CQC Assessment Framework


2.9       The Committee agreed at its 2023 awayday to establish a Reference Group to support Adult Social Care and Health (ASCH) with the upcoming CQC inspection and LGA Peer Review.


2.10     The Peer Review took place in February 2024 and the Reference Group met in June 2024 to consider the LGA findings and the Department’s Priority Action Plan. The Group welcomed the positive findings in the LGA report and discussed the Department’s plans to respond to the areas for consideration.


2.12     The Group agreed to provide ongoing support to the Department on its CQC preparations and to meet later in 2024 to consider the progress on the Departmental Priority Action Plan. 


Health and Social Care Integration Programme (HASCIP)


2.13     The Group last met on 24 June 2024 to consider the Shared Delivery Plan year 2 refresh.


2.14     The Group welcomed the significant progress of integrated care in East Sussex and discussed the changes to the East Sussex Health and Care Partnership governance; the new pan-Sussex workstream for Children and Young People; hospital discharge; and support for carers.


Briefings and training


2.15     A ‘bite size’ training session took place on 22 April 2024 to provide Members with a greater understanding of the role and remit of Healthwatch, in particular how it relates to the work of Adult Social Care.


2.16     As part of ongoing development, Members are invited to consider any other topics of interest for training to support their role on the Committee.


Forward Plan


2.17     A copy of the Council’s Forward Plan of executive decisions for the period 1 July to 31 October 2024 is included at Appendix 2. The Committee is requested to review the forthcoming items on the Forward Plan to identify any issues within the remit of this Committee that may require more detailed scrutiny. The Forward Plan is revised and published on a monthly basis and Committee members should regularly review the Forward Plan.


3.         Conclusion and reasons for recommendations


3.1       An important part of managing the work of the People Scrutiny Committee is regularly reviewing its future work programme. This involves the Committee assessing its priorities, ensuring its ongoing reviews are completed in a timely fashion and identifying new areas for scrutiny.   


Deputy Chief Executive


Contact Officer: Rachel Sweeney, Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser      

Tel. No. 07561267461
